Epoxy Resin Based Grout (Long Potlife)

CONSOL GROUT 77 LP is a three part, solvent free, multi purpose epoxy resin based grout (long potlife).

CONSOL GROUT 77 LP based on a combination of epoxy resins, selected fillers and aggregates that provides high strength.

CONSOL GROUT 77 LP is easy to apply for concrete, mortar, stone, asbestos cement, wood, polyester and epoxy:

  • Structural boding of anchors, starter bars, bars and tie bars
  • Grouting of machine bases, base plates, bridge bearings, mechanical joints (road, bridge, etc) and bearing plates
  • Tie-less rail grouting on bridges, crane rails, in tunnels


Nat Berbasis Resin Epoksi (Potlife Panjang)

CONSOL GROUT 77 LP adalah grout berbahan dasar resin epoksi tiga bagian, bebas pelarut, multiguna (long potlife).

CONSOL GROUT 77 LP berdasarkan kombinasi resin epoksi, pengisi dan agregat pilihan yang memberikan kekuatan tinggi.

CONSOL GROUT 77 LP mudah diaplikasikan untuk beton, mortar, batu, semen asbes, kayu, poliester dan epoksi:

Bodi struktural jangkar, batang starter, batang dan batang pengikat
Pemasangan dasar mesin, pelat dasar, bantalan jembatan, sambungan mekanis (jalan, jembatan, dll) dan pelat bantalan
Pemasangan rel tanpa ikatan di jembatan, rel derek, di terowongan

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