Self Smoothing Epoxy Water Based
CONSOL FLOOR 351 ECOCRETE is a two components, solvent free, odorless, moisture tolerant epoxy water based.
CONSOL FLOOR 351 ECOCRETE is mainly used for the following applications:
- Floor topping on damp and dry substrate
- Repair and maintenance of monolithic concrete floor
- Chemical and pharmaceutical industry
- Food and beverage industry
- Automotive and aircraft servicing facilities
- Production and packaging areas
- Commercial and industrial kitchens.
Self Smoothing Epoxy Berbasis Air
CONSOL FLOOR 351 ECOCRETE adalah dua komponen, bebas pelarut, tidak berbau, berbasis air epoksi yang tahan kelembaban.
CONSOL FLOOR 351 ECOCRETE terutama digunakan untuk aplikasi berikut:
- Topping lantai pada substrat basah dan kering
- Perbaikan dan pemeliharaan lantai beton monolitik
- Industri kimia dan farmasi
- Industri makanan dan minuman
- Fasilitas servis otomotif dan pesawat terbang
- Area produksi dan pengemasan
- Dapur komersial dan industri.