2-Part Water Based Epoxy Sealer Coat

CONSOL FLOOR 251 TC is a water dispersed, solvent free, coloured, semi glossy-finish, two part epoxy resin based coating high performance. It provides a protective surface treatment for concrete floors and walls.


  • Coloured sealer coat for concrete and cementitious substrate
  • Coloured sealer coat for the wall and ceiling
  • Can be subjected to normal up to medium duty mechanical and chemical.
  • For production areas, warehouses, car park decks, show rooms, automotive production area, garages, abattoirs, food processing area, laboratories, storage areas, breweries, tunnel walls, ground water tanks, waste water treatment, decontaminable areas, pharmaceutical, etc.
2-Bagian Mantel Epoxy Sealer Berbasis Air

CONSOL FLOOR 251 TC adalah pelapis berbasis resin epoksi dua bagian yang terdispersi dalam air, bebas pelarut, berwarna, semi mengkilap, dengan kinerja tinggi. Ini memberikan perawatan permukaan pelindung untuk lantai dan dinding beton.


  • Lapisan sealer berwarna untuk substrat beton dan semen
  • Mantel sealer berwarna untuk dinding dan langit-langit
  • Dapat dikenakan normal hingga tugas menengah mekanik dan kimia.
  • Untuk area produksi, gudang, dek parkir mobil, show room, area produksi otomotif, garasi, rumah potong hewan, area pengolahan makanan, laboratorium, area penyimpanan, brewery, dinding terowongan, tangki air tanah, pengolahan air limbah, area dekontaminasi, farmasi, dll.
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