Semi Rigid Epoxy Resin Jointing Compound
A two component, joint sealing compound based on flexible epoxy resins. Consol Epoxy Semi Rigid Sealant when mixed is a self smoothing 100% solid flexible.
Consol Epoxy Semi Rigid Sealant is ideal for:
- Sealing joints with little or no movement in heavy duty concrete floors.
- Cracks in concrete floors and can be ground out and sealed with Consol Sealant.
- Consol Epoxy Semi Rigid Sealant is ideal for use in conjunction with Consol Epoxy Flooring coating systems.
Senyawa Jointing Resin Epoxy Semi Kaku
Dua komponen, senyawa penyegelan sambungan berdasarkan resin epoksi fleksibel. Consol Epoxy Semi Rigid Sealant saat dicampur adalah self smoothing 100% solid flexible.
Consol Epoxy Semi Rigid Sealant sangat ideal untuk:
- Menyegel sambungan dengan sedikit atau tanpa gerakan di lantai beton tugas berat.
- Retak pada lantai beton dan dapat digerinda dan disegel dengan Consol Sealant.
- Consol Epoxy Semi Rigid Sealant sangat ideal untuk digunakan bersama dengan sistem pelapisan Consol Epoxy Flooring.